Bio Tanix Extreme
With an exclusive formula FORCE-PLASTIA, BIO TANIX EXTREME line softens even the most rebellious hair, reduces the volume as frizz free in just one application without getting yellowing on light hair color as bleaching procedures.
The formula has essential ingredients that fully repair hair strands providing softening and straightening abilities a total nutrition to the hair safety. Say Goodbye for harsh chemicals and preservatives. With BIO TANIX EXTREME, gets a natural look with intense shine keeping your hair health and away from daily aggressions.
Tannic Acids present in BIO formulation is extract from a tree called Acacia Negra, find on Amazon rainforest. This acid increases the hydrogenations on the hair unbalancing the bonds creating abilities to give new shape to hair strands.

Guide service – Step by Step
Bio Tanix Extreme Treatment

It is a purifying shampoo for a subtle cleanser that removes all build ups and hair styling products from the hair such as silicones without damaging it ,preparing the hair to receive fully treatment from the phase 1, its Ph is 5.5 (1 L)
How to use: with damp hair apply Purifying Shampoo phase 1 and massage it through the hair evenly.
Precautions: the scalp must be preserved, do not scrub or massage it. Rinse it out thoroughly.

The technology Force Plastia has an internal action on PH Acids by releasing the hydrogen bonds on the hair. Combined with blend of amino acids provides up to 100% of straightening without damage and unwanted tones on the hair in one go easily and safe.
How to use: For resistant and natural hair, dry 80% hair strands then divide the hair and apply Complex Reducer phase 4 into section-by-section one inch away from the scalp. After the full application cover up the hair with shower cap and leave it for 60 minutes. After it rinse 80% of the product.
For Blond and thin hair dry 50% and apply the phase 4 section by section, cover it up with plastic cap and leave for 45 minutes. Afterwards rinse it thoroughly.
After rinsing it out dry towel and divide the hair, start blow-drying nicely and properly. Afterwards take thin sections and flat iron each section up to 10 to 15 times accordingly with each hair type. Blond hair goes in temperature 180°C up to 200°C, depending on the underline tone. In case of hair color treated, it is recommended to use Leave-In Bio Tanix from home care line before you start blow-drying the hair.

This ultra-conditioning has Silk Protein in its formula that seals hair cuticles and stabilize the PH protecting the hair strands against daily aggressions. Besides brings back elasticity of the hair has anti-oxidant that makes treatment last longer, brings shine and smooth the hair out. (1L )
How to use: the final step of the procedure it is recommend to use Repair Mask phase 5, apply it on the hair and leave it up to 5 to 10 minutes, rinse it thoroughly. Style and finish hair as desired. The treatment results in straight silk smooth hair without stripping the color.
Maintenance Line suitable for daily care at home.
Bio Tanix Extreme Home care Line was developed for maintenance of protein treatments providing long lasting shiny smooth health hair. It is so important to use it for the durability of treatment so grab your right now.
Tannic Acids: it is a natural composition extract from Brazilian tree called Acacia Negra. It is an ecologically friendly product that does not cause damage to human health. It acts on hair by increasing the hydrogen bond providing smooth effect and action ant frizz. It is composed by phenolic that comes from secondary metabolism of medicinal and aromatic plants. Defined as water- soluble polymers that provides protein, Tannic Acid contain pharmacological properties such as anti-oxidants, astringent, hemostat, healing, anti-septic, among others. Responsible for unbalance the disulphide chains of hair strands allows transforming its natural shape into smooth straight hair after the whole procedure.
Lactic Acid: decreases keratin resistance providing a new shape to hair strands. It is sequestering agent, pH stabilizer and acidifying component.
Hyaluronic Acid: It has Anti-Aging components, fills the gaps on hair strands also provide coat protection on it keeping the moisture and integrity of hair shaft. It maintains hair health, smooth and shiny.
Keratin: is one of a family of fibrous structural proteins made up with around 21 amino acids. Its molecular structure has features such as microfilaments for the resistance of hair, elasticity and impermeability. It replaces proteins that are lost on a daily basis aggressions caused by sun and pollution out there.
Luna Matrix: The latest high technology component works in all hair cuticle layers as the cortex bringing back shine and the natural silk touch as delivering deep restoring inside and outside of hair strands. Also provides coat protection from daily aggressions by chemical procedures as by constantly use of hot tools.
Violet 43: its formula compounded by active principals as essential oils in, along with purple and blue pigments cancel out yellow tones on the hair shaft evenly. In another hand, it also has flavonoids one of the best ingredients that absorb the solar radiation working as a UV ray protection, color safe and extra care from daily aggressions.